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Oqyu tp~~u {}p~yy
Rpz q{up yxrty y~u rup|u~yu, qu~~ ~p ~u u~ pq|~~ u r { ~. Rpx ryt~, r pxpq{ y ~p|~u~yu r|wy|y ~u}~s tu~us. Eu q|u tu~us r|wy|y r }y r{ s Esperio: ~pxrp~yu }u|{pu ~p p} px~ |pt{p, ~py~p usy~p|~ yxtp~yz y xp{p~yrp }p}y. N { |u~~u xr y |ppru qx }s rruy r xpq| wtu~yu |{ u~ truyr y ~u~ uztur.
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Esperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~r
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Osp~yxp p{wu xpr|, }s|y yr|u q|uu 10 000 {|yu~r ru} }y . N |xrpu|y xp quw} x~p ~u x~p p{z |pt{u. Cuspy uyu|uz sp~yu~p ru{y}y p~p}y, p y {|yur }yxu~ rus {| 80 u|ru{ r tu~.
Esperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~r
Oyr y|y utpryu|r Esperio ~u, |y~u ruy }u~utwup}y ~urx}w~ r y~yu. B {}} ~y{py rutu u|u~ y|y uux }uu~twu, xr|u puyp} qrp qu~yu r |qz tq~z }}u~.
M p{wu qpy|y r~y}p~yu, r u Esperio ~u rx}w~y pr| {}}u~pyy { q|y{py} y|y yp xr. E|y q{u p{ ruu~ r {puru ry | s, u} wu ~u tpu rx}w~y p{pxp q }? Oru urytu~ ~yus us ut~y{u uztu ~u {pw .
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Dpwu u|y OFG Cap.Ltd y q|p |yu~xy, uzp ~p ~utuzryu|~p. P xp{~ , r p{y | p q{u t|wu~ | y |yu~xy r z p~u, stu rutu r tuu|~. R t p{yr~} trywu~y ~p yz{} ~{u, p p{wu ~p|yy {z |{p|yxpyy, Esperio ut|pspu ry | sy y~p}. N pxuu~y ~p {}p~y ~u y}uu, q|uu s, Wu~p|~z qp~{ wu r~u pps r u~z y{ }u~~yu{y sp~yxpyz.
Esperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~r
Oqpyu r~y}p~yu, }u~~y{y ~~ xtp ru ~ru y ~ru pz, p{y} qpx}, p yxquwp q|{yr{y Q{}~ptxp. Bu |xrpu|y xpq|{yrp~~s u p pr}pyu{y |yp t p { ry} p{{p ~p}, p y utrp p ~p up }u~~y{r.
Put|wu~y t| uztur r Esperio
@uy pxpqp|y }~wur ut|wu~yz, {u }s {pxp rst~}y. Npy}u, ~y xp}p~yrp p{y}y |{p}y:
{uty~u |u t 1:1000;
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Otu|~ y }uy p~u{ sp}} , ty~ yx p} u{yr~ y~ }u~r yr|uu~y ~~s {p {|yu~r. B Esperio qup t $500 xp {pwts uup|p. Sp{wu ut|psp rx~pspwtu~y ~u |{ xp ruyy{py ~rs |xrpu|, ~ y xp us p{yr~. Sp{p { p p~u{z sp}} r~z yx~p{ y~p~rz yp}yt.
X y q Esperio r Ruy?
K}u r~ { |u~~ xrr, {u |us{ |yy { rsr, tp~ ~uzp|~ y {ru~~ ~uspyr~ {}}u~pyur. Nywu ~u{u yx ~y.
Esperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~rEsperio: xr up|~ {|yu~r
Rru u} {yyu{y ~y { |wyu|~} xrp}, q|p p yx ~y tuwy uup|~u |{y y yxr xpusyyrp. Dru }~u~y p{y prr, {~u~ wu, ~u|x.
Mu~~yu{p u}p pq r Esperio
Uy~p~ru p~p|yy{y Esperio ~p p}} tu|u q~u pxrty|, {u |r{ rup |p ~p y ~u~} uztup}. M~sy} yx yr|uu~~ |xrpu|uz r~pp|u tp xppqp y rruy tu~sy, ~ uu ty~ y~ }u~ pxrtp.
Bu tu|{y, {u |xrpu| {rpu r ru} {pqy~uu, ~p p}} tu|u r| y}ypyuz sr|y. Esperio ~u pryxrp~ t| y rrtp ~p y~p~rz ~{, {|yu~p} trrp q~z y} | sr. P| u~~p yq| pr~y}p rysp~~}y y{p}y r ~|pz~-{pxy~: up|~}y tu~sp}y ~p ~yus qus ~u y}uu.
Xq ry yx {p}p~r {|yu~r {p{ }w~ q|u, u~p|~z }u~utwu ~~ qupu gx|u sh. Npy}u, quwtpu r~uy uu p , q | y t { ~} sr} ys~p|p}, y|y ~ppyrpu ~p r~uuut~} |~u~yy up t| pr{y yq|y.
I~stp, t xrp}, puy ~ps| uq uu tu~us xp rx}w~ rruy yq|. Oq~ r p{y | p tpwu p}u ~pyr~u ~y}p, {p{ y pxru|y. N tu|p ~yus ~u|x, ~y ty~ us |y yz sp~ ~u }wu ru~ tu~sy.
Isy qxp
Nu} ~p tu|p~~z pz y qy|yu xrr r Ruy, Esperio r|u q~} qpq|q~y{}. Put~y{ ~ps| ru ru} pwu, p p{wu ~p|yyy |yu~xyy. A|uu s, Wu~p|~z qp~{ QU wu r~u us r rz u~z y{ yy~u q|s {|yurp wp|q q}p~ {|yu~r.
A{u ~u rty ~p rx, wu ~utu|.
Kp{ |{, ~pp| pxsr rrtu utr.
T }u~ wu sp|p |ut~ ~ptuwtp ~p , y puy tpt }~u xpqp q tuxy. P y rqu }| , } wu ~|: w |y{y tu|{y ~p }uwqp~{ ~u rrt, pry{r |y{ryt~y |yrz {~, uuru~~, wu ~u.
` r {u ~ps|y y w |y{r. T }u~ yu{p, { p {utyr y }p|u~{yu tuy, p prp} ^uy ys ~p ru. ` ty~ {}y|u r u}u, p uu r r~ wtu~ ytu qux sp y t }p, {p{ {}y ry. V xp s }p~yp{z r Kp~z Ku ytyc
Dpwu y ~u t }pzu tp r{|ptrp! Puuu ru rz {pyp| ~. Mz {|~z t s y~ruyrp| tp tu~sy y yx-xp u{}u~tpyz |yrz p~p|yy{r ^uy p| qux utr. Mu~~y{y wu ~p}~y|y, y usypyy ~p |p}u ~ p} s|py| u}, ppsp ruru~~ ~u ~uu. I p{, pusy t|pr|yrp uztur y xppr| y typ uqu ysr uu y {yy srs up.
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